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Free Your Mind - Tu Es Libre

Free Your Mind –  Tu Es Libre

*4 pics to view by clicking on the right side.

Mixed media painting.  16″x16″.  Encaustic, graphite, acrylic paint, oil bars, pastel, collage, plaster and other materials.  Photo transfer/image from my personal photographs.  I love you Claire I love you…

Encaustic is a Greek word meaning “to heat or burn in” (enkaustikos). So here I am using beeswax that has been melted/heated previously with Damar resin. I do the mixture here in my studio using natural products and store it in small containers to be used later.  This wax is applied to my surface while it is hot then reheated in order to fuse the paint.  I work in layers to create transparencies and effects and add pigments to the encaustic if I want to add colours, carve with tools to manipulate the wax once it has cooled onto the surface and encase materials into the surface using this medium to stick the pieces to the surface. I really enjoy the process and never get tire of it!

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